22 March 2011

Sittin' Here/Drinkin'/Listenin' to Music/Writin' a Poli Sci Paper

I deeply miss college. Not just the crazy orgies and drug binges, but also the work, the lively and challenging conversations. I just plain miss college. Professional life is boring, it's stagnant, it's uneventful.

Sure every day I walk to my cubicle, I don't know how many trucks of Mexi Rebar I'm going to buy but if it's one or 3 million, it's all the same. There is no difference. I often find myself making mistakes simply for the chance to correct those mistakes at a later point. Do I want the Chinese to ship entirely wrong material? No, of course not. Do I want to spend an entire day yelling at the Chinese for shipping the wrong material in fortune cookie fashion? Of course. That would be like...You will be getting butt fucked for fucking me - learn english...FUCK YOU.

I like homework. I like group assignments. I like talking about nothing but having it mean so much more.

I don't enjoy my lack of lumbar support. I don't like talking about growing up and getting married or having several Tim Jr's. running around.

I do like politics. I don't like business politics. It's so fucking stupid and just fucking slows down the entire process. Fuck bosses.

Am I done at 24 (almost 25)? It feels that way. Every day I wake up and wonder, how can I continue to get excited for the same shit, day in, day out. At least in college, it was a different discussion each day, a different STD each day.

But now my Herpes has cleared. Sure they say you can never get rid of herpes but let's face it, who cares? It's a battle wound. The girls I meet these days are ambitious. Looking for something. They aren't looking for their purse and a way out of my bed. They're looking for a future, for stability. What the fuck is that?

Are any of my skills sharpening? No. They are decreasing. I have nothing right now, I have boredom and complacency. But that does provide me with one thing...

It provides me with a way out. It provides me with something to look for, something to look forward to. Who knows what is on the horizon. But I can only hope it's not this for another 50 years. Sure I have good memories and good stories but what happened after 23?? Is there anything? Yes. I must push forward. Possibly I start small. Win a summer softball championship and then continue moving on. Maybe I buy a bike and just start riding. Maybe I go to Vegas and win a ton of money, marry a hooker and settle down.

I don't know. I'm looking for stories to tell, stories to enlighten, but there's nothing. Right now. I need to go back to school. I need to learn more and explore more. I mean for god sakes - - ALL ANAL APRIL starts in just over a week. I gotta get that shit on lock down. I'm not going to lie, if you're in school right now, it's probably the best time you'll ever have. Unless you get a job at an Arts and Craft store and meet the parrot, I mean, girl of your dreams.

I don't want to be debbie downer but that's what a little alcohol does for me these days.

My bracket failed this year. Out over a grand. But don't worry, money is the least of my problems. Just remember, two years ago I was just like you but now not two years removed from my undergraduate studies, I'm bored, I'm angry, still horny but I mean come on, that's for life.

Has this just been a post of rambling? Of course. Will I have an eventful story soon? Probably not. Although there is a concert coming up that will involve copious amounts of drugs, so hopefully that night will provide something solid.  There is still the same CcT somewhere. He is somewhere. He will emerge sometime soon. Just have patience. He appeared in Europe. He appeared in some basketball games this year. He's found his dream girl. He likes music, too much. He likes baseball, too much. He's got a 10 page paper to write on the IMF and Globalization for a girl he works with. He's improving. Soon he'll be back. Hopefully, by the time summer rolls around so he can enjoy the warm weather in jean shorts and a mustache and a PBR.

Life will continue. I love life. I love myself, to the point of chaffing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SUMMER 2011..